Ubuntu 14.04:SparkleShare ファイル同期できなくなった場合の対処方法



Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
SparkleShare Version: 1.1.0
git version 1.9.1


$ cd ~/.config/sparkleshare
$ tail -f debug_log.txt
10:08:25 | SyncUp | SparkleShare | Initiated
10:08:25 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git add --all
10:08:25 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git status --porcelain
10:08:25 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git push --progress "ssh://www@www.offline-net.com/home/www/SparkleShare" master
10:08:25 | Git | SparkleShare | fatal: protocol error: expected old/new/ref, got 'shallow 0c475336f7f274e430dc76154e62c83d7fb4e7aa'
10:08:25 | Git | SparkleShare | Counting objects: 6, done.
10:08:25 | Git | SparkleShare | Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
10:08:25 | Git | SparkleShare | Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
10:08:25 | Git | SparkleShare | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
10:08:25 | Git | SparkleShare | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
10:08:25 | SyncUp | SparkleShare | Error
10:08:25 | SyncDown | SparkleShare | Initiated
10:08:25 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git rev-parse HEAD
10:08:25 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git fetch --progress "ssh://www@www.offline-net.com/home/www/SparkleShare" master
10:08:26 | Git | SparkleShare | From ssh://www.offline-net.com/home/www/SparkleShare
10:08:26 | Git | SparkleShare |  * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git status --porcelain
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git config core.ignorecase true
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git rebase FETCH_HEAD
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git config core.ignorecase false
10:08:26 | SyncDown | SparkleShare | Done
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git log --since=1.month --raw --find-renames --date=iso --format=medium --no-color --no-merges
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git rev-parse HEAD
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git add --all
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git status --porcelain
10:08:26 | Cmd | SparkleShare | git push --progress "ssh://www@www.offline-net.com/home/www/SparkleShare" master
10:08:27 | Git | SparkleShare | fatal: protocol error: expected old/new/ref, got 'shallow 0c475336f7f274e430dc76154e62c83d7fb4e7aa'
10:08:27 | Git | SparkleShare | Counting objects: 6, done.
10:08:27 | Git | SparkleShare | Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
10:08:27 | Git | SparkleShare | Total 4 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
10:08:27 | Git | SparkleShare | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
10:08:27 | Git | SparkleShare | fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly


$ cd SparkleShareのローカルリポジトリの/path/to/
$ git fetch --unshallow



About yoshimasa
